
A monad in Scala is a design pattern that provides a way to wrap and sequence computations, allowing you to handle various kinds of outcomes (like optional values, errors, or asynchronous results) in a generic and consistent manner.

Key Concepts

  1. Type Wrapper: A monad is a type that wraps another type. For example, Option[Int] wraps an Int value.
  2. pure (or unit): A function to wrap a value into the monad.
  3. flatMap (or bind): A function to sequence computations on the wrapped value.

Monad Laws

  1. Left Identity: Wrapping a value and then applying flatMap is the same as applying the function directly.
  2. Right Identity: Applying flatMap with pure does not change the original monad.
  3. Associativity: The order of applying flatMap operations does not matter.

Why Monads are Useful

Monads allow you to handle various computational contexts (like optional values, errors, side effects) in a uniform way, making your code more modular, composable, and easier to reason about.


1. Option Monad: Handling Optional Values

The Option monad allows you to handle computations that might return a value or none.

val maybeValue: Option[Int] = Some(42)

val result: Option[Int] = maybeValue.flatMap(x => Some(x + 1))

println(result) // Output: Some(43)

2. Either Monad: Handling Errors

The Either monad allows you to handle computations that can return a value or an error.

val result: Either[String, Int] = for {
  x <- Right(10): Either[String, Int]
  y <- Right(20): Either[String, Int]
} yield x + y

println(result) // Output: Right(30)

3. Future Monad: Handling Asynchronous Computations

The Future monad allows you to handle asynchronous computations.

import scala.concurrent.Future

val futureValue: Future[Int] = Future(42)

val result: Future[Int] = futureValue.flatMap(x => Future(x + 1))

result.foreach(println) // Output: 43 (eventually)

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